From the Blog

Autism-specific strategies to help your clients participate more fully and joyfully in in their daily activities.

We can’t address disability without addressing race.

More clinicians understand that behavior is communication, but not enough to do the extra work to understand the systemic, systematic, structural, and institutional oppression of racism and ableism that pervade disabled people of color’s entire lives.

3 Surprising Phrases that Stigmatize Autistic People

Most of us know that the words we choose to describe others matter. Nevertheless it can be tough to stay on top of what language reduces stigma.

Nurture the Love of Learning with a Strengths-Based Approach to Autism Interventions

A strengths-based approach to OT with kids on the spectrum allows us to strike a balance between accepting that autistic kids think differently and also finding a way to teach them new skills.

Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior…or Could We Ask A Better Question?

I think we’re asking the wrong question here, and in fact it’s so much more.

Rethinking Planned Ignoring for Autitic Kids

There are good reasons to consider using a different approach most of the time with your autistic clients.

Rethinking Reinforcers for Autism

There is usually another way to get your clients to take on new challenges without all the drawbacks of prizes and praise. Read on for some strategies!

Creating Autism Interventions that Promote Flexibility:

When we teach flexibility, we are creating systems to help our clients understand change and see it coming so they can adapt without unnecessary stress.

A Confident OT: What It Looks Like & How to Get There

We want to feel honest, calm, and present in our work, whether things are going great or our sessions are descending into chaos.

Rethinking Hand-Over-Hand Assistance for Autistic Kids

If you don’t have a toolbox full of autism-specific strategies, letting go of hand-over-hand can feel scary. Keep reading to learn different strategies to keep therapy moving forward.